Franz Kafka
Set out with us on the trip followig the footsteps of Prague’s native son Franz Kafka.
His life was interconnected with Prague by the fatal link….
Franz KaFKA and Prague

Franz Kafka is one of the most significant prose-writers of the 20th century world literature.
The most part of his life he spent in the historical centre of Prague, in the Old Town. The family had moved very often.
During the tour you learn more about Franz Kafka’s literature work, you see his birthplace house, you visit the places he had worked and created. You’ll see the outstanding monument of Franz Kafka by our prominent sculptor Jaroslav Rona from 2003.
You visit also the last rest place of Franz Kafka.
And did you know, that Franz Kafka has his museum in Prague too?
All this and many other matters of interest you will be told by our qualified guides.
The tour is right and useful not only for the students, but for all persons interested in world literature and Franz Kafka’s work.
Write on , call +420 602 204 12
and Prague

and Prague

and Prague