Take a pause in your walk. Watch the digni-fied procession of apostles, see for yourself the unique perfection of the Prague astrolabe, showing both the time and the positions of the stars.

before the clock on the tower begins to chime out the full hour and the procession of the twelve apostles appears in the small windows. Look at the figure of Vanity gazing at himself in the mirror, and at the Miser, jingling his purse. Watch how the Grim Reaper measures time with his clock and announces another hour with the toll of a bell.
Stand in admiration before two large discs one above the other.
You may be captivated by the astrological symbols of the astrolabe or by the artistic furnishing of the calendar on the lower golden disc. Try to read all the information about the time, the position of the sun and stars illustrated by the astronomical clock.
Did you know that to this date the machine of the Old Town Astronomical Clock is probably the oldest fully functioning device of its type in the world? And don't forget that 600 years ago people did not yet know how to drill into metal. All the cogs are forged.
Listen to the ancient legends. Perhaps the best known is the legend of the blinded master Hanuš, who until recently was incorrectly attributed with the authorship and origin of the astronomical clock.